Catch us at these upcoming locations

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Viv Asia

From: 12/03/2025
Until: 14/03/2025
Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Seafood Processing North America (SPNA)

From: 16/03/2025
Until: 18/03/2025
Location: Boston, USA

Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global

From: 06/05/2025
Until: 08/05/2025
Location: Barcelona, Spain


From: 29/10/2025
Until: 31/10/2025
Location: Qingdao, China

Poultry India

From: 26/11/2025
Until: 28/11/2025
Location: Hyderabad, India


More flexibility on the ST850 turkey deboner
Due to the need of several customers, the ST850 was adjusted to give more flexibility towards the product. This deboning machine for anatomical cut thighs, drums and prime wings from male or female birds (left or right side), is able to debone all the above named parts with a minimum of adjustments with a capacity of 35 pieces per minute. Keeping in mind, that a very large weight range can be deboned on the same setting, the demand came to debone thighs and drums at the same time. Therefore, the pistons are now as standard implemented in the machine where the possibility of processing thighs and drums from certain sizes on the same setting is created. However each unit is designated for its specific part, the time that can be saved in production flow is significant.

With the implementation of new upgraded cylinders, the required air volume is reduced by 30%! Limited impact and less friction also results in a longer lifetime of the diaphragms.
Upgrade packages are available.